Original Source From : Tokyograph
The mystery novel "Ryusei no Kizuna," written by popular author Keigo Higashino, is being turned into a television drama series this fall. The show will star Kazunari Ninomiya, Ryo Nishikido, and Erika Toda, with Kankuro Kudo penning the script.
Ninomiya, Nishikido, and Toda play three siblings whose parents were murdered when they were children. After being deceived later on in life, they bonded together as a team of swindlers, stealing money from the rich. One day, they find a man whom they believe is their parents' killer, and they start planning to take their revenge.
Ninomiya is taking the lead as the oldest sibling, Koichi. Nishikido plays the younger brother Taisuke, while Toda plays the sister Shizuna. Tomokazu Miura has also been announced as a cast member.
TBS will air the drama on Friday nights at 10:00pm, starting in October.
Official Site : http://www.tbs.co.jp
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